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I.L. Gerlovin


The monograph is the translation into English, with many corrections made, of the above mentioned book dated 1990.


As aforementioned, the TFF is the first to give the theory of all kinds of interactions in matter: strong, electromagnetic, weak and gravitational, ie it presents the Unified Theory of Fundamental Field (TFF) which is based upon a new paradigm called the Paradigm for Viable and Developing Systems (PVDS). The book is the result of the fifty year long work of a small group of scientists who were not afraid of new ideas. 

The results obtained on the basis of TFF and PVDS are discussed in the book. These results, when developed and used, should help the mankind to live in peace with Nature and avoid environmental disasters, hence the modified title of the English version. 




Adversity has mothered many children here in Russia and all free-thinking persons are challenged by her stern ways. For over fifty years while the tides of war, environmental destruction, social disruption, and political repression swept across my country, a small group of scientists struggled in isolation to realize Albert Einstein's dream of building a Unified Field Theory.

The realization of the great physicist's dream gives birth to the unlimited possibilities that Einstein foresaw, as he toiled virtually alone for thirty years defending the reality and necessity of a unified picture of the universe. 


This monograph takes the reader into that interesting journey and to its ultimate conclusion. The theory revealed the utmost importance of the tri-unity law behind the "Unity of Nature" , and opens the doorway to new, and almost unlimited possibilities for scientific progress, without at the same time harming the nature. 


"TO LIVE WITHOUT DISASTERS (Fundamentals of unified theory of all interactions in matter)" provides both a new theoretical and experimental basis of all physical interactions in matter: strong, weak, electromagnetic and gravitational. The unified Theory of Fundamental Field (TFF) is based upon a new paradigm called the Paradigm for Viable and Developing Systems (PVDS). 

While many mathematical calculations are included to support the theory, any reader may get general ideas of it. And many readers can use the obtained results in their practical activity. This book as a whole is intended for those who are interested in concrete suggestions towards directing both science and technology in harmony with Nature, and to prevent further destruction of our fragile planet. 

Physicists will take professional interest in the entire book, and many sections should be of particular interest to other specialists as listed below. 

It is my hope, however, that all readers will venture beyond the sections intended for their own specialty to fully appreciate the results presented in the book: 

- mathematicians: sections 1.8, 1.9, 2, 3, 15, 17, 28 and appendices 1, 2, 4; 

- philosophers: preface, introduction, summary , sections 2, 3, 29, 30, and appendices 3, 7, 9 and 10; 
- biologists: sections 2, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and appendices 7 and 10; 

- economists and sociologists: sections 2, 3, 21-30 and appendices 8, 9, 10; 

- chemists: sections 2, 3, 23, 28 and appendices 3, 4, 7 and 8; 

- engineers, results of applying the above-mentioned sciences: sections 2, 3, 11, 12, 21-30, and appendices 3, 8. 

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartiest thanks to V.N. Suntsov, the editor of the English version of this book, for his great efforts in translating and perfecting the text, and to Michael Mitchell with his assistants for their noble help to the author and his colleagues, as well as for the publication of this English version. 

The Author.




I.L. Gerlovin


Energoatomisdat, Leningrad branch, 1990


The theory is starting from a Paradigm for sustainable and developing systems, on the basis of which it is possible to build a theory of the noosphere. 

This unified Theory of Fundamental Field (TFF) is created on the basis of the above mentioned paradigm, uniting all kinds of interaction in the matter: strong, weak, electromagnetic and gravitational. The TFF opened the way to a new periodic law of elementary particles, allowed to theoretically calculate masses, charge, spin, magnetic moments, lifetime and other quantum numbers of elementary particles (those already known from experience, as well as those who were not yet detected in 1990, and some who are still not detected nowadays…). As part of a new unified relativistic appraoch, the TFF also created a "vacuum theory of gravity."


Book to be downloaded in 2 parts, in Russian

 I-III части

IV-VI части


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